
Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Just an update to let everyone know what's going on.
When I first started this blog, I'm pretty sure I updated it daily and felt like I may have been a bit overwhelming. Now it's been about a week and I haven't posted anything!
The funny part is, is that I have a bunch of posts in my drafts all ready to go. The problem is, I can't seem to see them when I go to edit them.
SO once I get that figured out, I promise I'll post more. And I will post them at a nice interval of one every other day or so - instead of all at once.
I'll probably do something totally cheesy like:

  • Make it Monday - A day for crafts.
  • Wear it Wednesday - I'm not much for styles, but I do get excited over good clothing finds every once in awhile. Also this will contain D.I.Y. clothing, instead of filing it under crafts.
  • Food Friday - This is pretty self-explanitory. Everything baked, cooked, boiled, sauteed, toasted, etc. This also includes restaurants and new foods reviewed.
  • Funday Sunday/Seen it Saturday - Not sure about the title of this one, but this will contain concerts, movies and other activities.

Here are some posts you can look forward to:
  • Adult lemonade
  • PBBPC sandwich
  • Eight o'clock coffee/s'mores creamer review
  • 104.5 Winter Jam concert
  • Chinese dragon puppet
  • Neopolitan brownies
  • T-shirt dress

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