
Monday, January 7, 2013


Recently I decided to delete my Facebook.

There were three main reasons behind this:
  1. I hardly ever use it.
  2. I am tired of the high school like drama surrounding the people on it.
  3. But most importantly, I feel I have lost contact with a lot of people I used to talk to. I have this idea that creeping on people's profile pages is what has led to this disconnection between myself and others.
    • Think about it... Say you are cleaning your room and you come across a book you borrowed from an friend years ago, but completely forgot about the book. You haven't talked to this friend for years because they moved to another state and so you don't see that person anymore. So you find this book and you are now thinking about the person. "I wonder what they are up to?"
    • Then it begins. Instead of calling the person and saying: "Hey I found your book! What are you up to? Are you still living in ___? Are you still dating ____? How is your family?" You hop onto Facebook, search for their name, scan their profile page, scan their photos, maybe even search through their friends list.
    • Then you get distracted by something else on the internet and your connection with that person has ended. They don't get their book back, you don't plan out a trip to visit them, you are missing some key piece of information from them (like their dad passed away, or they just got engaged) that they never had the chance to post on Facebook.
Anyway, after making this "big" decision it left me with one question.
"Now what?"
What am I going to do with my left over time not spent on Facebook. I'll just have to increase the time I spend on Tumblr, Imgfave, Pinterest, Xanga. But really, that's going to get soooo boring. 
Each of those pages have a purpose. Mostly they are for finding photos, foods, and crafts that interest me. I'll take the pictures and recipes, favorite them, and reblog them. Sometimes I will write long rants on Tumblr, but mostly Xanga, and then it's over and I go onto the next thing.
I don't ever make the food or crafts I see. I just find the pictures and share with people.

I want something new.

That's where this blog comes into play.
I want to actually recreate those things and post them here. I'll take pictures of the progress of crafts and foods, I'll write about new places I've been to, new foods I've tried, new people I've met.
This is not another site with the random things I like.
This is the Random Things I Do.

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