
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

WEAR: T-Shirt Dress

No cut no sew T-shirt dress!

So I recently acquired a very large band T-shirt that is super comfy but fits me like a dress. It would be good as a sleeping shirt, but I really wanted to wear it outside too!
I suck at sewing, so cutting it and tucking it in to fit me just was not an option. Here is a simple no sew/no cutting tutorial to turn a too large shirt into a dress.

Almost down to my knees!

First begin by putting both your arms and head through the neck hole, and pulling the shirt down so it is just above your boobs.

Unroll the sleeves if they are bunched up.

Take the sleeves and tie them behind you. This makes a cute bow in the back of the dress and gives it a waist. You may also tie it in the front if you'd prefer, but I don't like messing up the decal on the front.

Tie it as tight as you can, 
without losing your ability to breathe. ;)

It may take a couple tries to get it to lay flat 
and not bunch above the bow. 
Remain patient, you'll get it.

You only need to tie the sleeves once, but if they are long enough you can tie them in a knot. I use a hair tie to keep them secure.


Ta-da! You are done! Easy right? And very versatile; cover it with a cardigan, wear leggings, or wear a tank underneath for straps.

Have fun ladies!

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