
Saturday, February 16, 2013

FOOD: Chocolate Soup

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I know I'm late, but I wanted to share what I made for dessert on Thursday. I don't have many pictures, as I wasn't expecting to post it originally. But it turned out so well I had to share.
Chocolate Soup for two.
I know, I know, "CHOCOLATE SOUP!?!?!?!?!? The Eff are you thinking? That sounds nasty..."
I promise it's delicious!!!
It tastes just like real chocolate pudding (not the instant stuff), and it's a little heavy, but we ate it with strawberries dipped into it like a fondue, which definitely helped to lighten it up a bit.

Nom nom nom...

Here's what you need:
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 cup cream
  • 1/3 cup sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 6 ounces chocolate (I used chili infused chocolate for an extra spicy bite)
  • 2 tablespoons corn starch
  • 2 tablespoons water
The recipe I followed called for everything fat free, but I used what ingredients I had, and they were not fat free, however it was still super delicious. It also recommended adding a cream cheese/marshmallow garnish, but since we were eating it like a fondue, we did not need a garnish.
  1. So begin by bringing the milk, cream, sweetened condensed milk, and vanilla to a low boil in a medium sauce pan.
  2. Put the pan on low heat and add the chocolate. Whisk until it starts to melt.
  3. In a separate container combine the cornstarch and water until all solids are dissolved.
  4. Add cornstarch mixture to saucepan and whisk about 5 to 7 minutes until chocolate is thick and bubbles have disappeared (I did not have any bubbles?)
  5. Remove from heat and pour into two bowls.
  6. Have fun dipping in strawberries, pretzels, pound cake, bananas, marshmallows, etc.
It turned out really well and was surprisingly simple. The boyfriend liked it, and he's not much of a sweets eater, so I felt very accomplished.
My only problem was that if it sat still long enough, the top would get that famous pudding skin, which I am not much of a fan. I have some leftovers so I will try to see what happens if I reheat it a bit, if the skin goes away? We'll have to wait.
Enjoy your chocolate soup!

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