
Saturday, February 9, 2013

FOOD (review): Eight O'Clock Coffee & S'mores creamer

Whenever I listen to the radio, I usually listen to 93.3 WMMR. I love their morning show. That is where I first heard about Eight O'clock coffee.
My first thought? "Oh wow, another brand of coffee saying they are so much better than everyone else... they are probably nothing new or exciting."
Well was I wrong!

Two of the flavors offered.

K-Cups can get pricey, so when I found these on sale ($6 each (that's on sale, right?)) I thought I'd give them a try.
Oh my gosh the aroma! The whole house smelled like coffee! I love the smell of coffee, but sometimes I think it can be too overpowering, but this was just so fragrant and delicious!
I tried the Colombian first and being a medium roast, this was very full of flavor but not too strong. 
I am very excited to try the Hazelnut. Eight O'clock is definitely worth buying again.
So along with new coffee, why not try a new creamer?
International Delight has a Hershey's S'mores flavor. DELICIOUS!
Smells like graham crackers, looks like chocolate milk, tastes like chocolate marshmallows. A little goes a long way and leaves your sweet tooth screaming for more.

Liquid s'mores. Pure bliss.

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