
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

FOOD (review): NeuroSleep


This post will have a lot of pictures!

Are you awake at all hours of the night!? Do you have to wake up early for your job or school, but just can't seem to get enough sleep?!? Is your mind just too busy thinking that it won't let you fall asleep?!

Well, here's the solution for you! NeuroSleep


Neuro makes a variety of drink flavors infused with various nutrients and vitamins to help you survive life. 
There are flavors to help you stay fit, stay happy, stay hydrated, boost your immune system and more! 

Balance your drink like it balances your vitamins?

Today we are focusing on Sleep.

Don't drop it!

What's it taste like?

Take a wild guess...

ORANGE! Because the bottle is orange, and the drink inside is orange. The obvious choice would be orange flavor.

Tastes like orange drank.

NeuroSleep is designed to:
  • Promote restful sleep.
  • Normalize sleep patterns.
  • Relieve muscle cramps.
  • Support relaxation. 


How does it work? 

For the skeptics...

According to their website - Dietary ingredients provided in NeuroSleep: 
  1. Melatonin - An ingredient universally found in plants and foods, including corn, rice, wheat, barley, oats, wine and beer. 
    • Melatonin is also naturally produced in the body to help regulate the sleep cycle.
  2. L-theanine - An amino acid found in tea leaves. 
    • Emerging research demonstrates L-theanine can shift oscillatory brain waves to the alpha spectrum (8-13 Hz), the spectrum in which relaxation occurs.
  3. Magnesium - An electrolyte and essential mineral that supports both sleep and neuroendocrine function.
  4. 5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan) - Derived from the seeds of the African plant Griffonia simplicifolia.
    • 5-HTP is an important intermediary in the biosynthesis of serotonin and melatonin from tryptophan.
  5. Taurine - An amino acid commonly found in foods such as turkey (dark meat), chicken and shellfish.
    • Taurine is important for neurotransmission.

Umm... What?

Here is a simpler way to explain it. Your body produces chemicals to help regulate your sleep system and let you know when it is time for bed. These chemicals help you to fall asleep and stay asleep.
NeuroSleep helps you to do the same because it is full of tasty orange-flavored nutrients to help increase the production of those sleep chemicals in your brain.

Does it work?


In all seriousness, yes. I have only tried NeuroSleep twice (the second time being tonight). And it works super fast too! 
The first time I believe I drank it as I was headed home from a friend's house (expecting it to take some time to kick in) and I almost fell asleep on my drive home. Don't drink and drive kids.
Tonight, I am trying really hard to spell everything correctly because my eyes are not cooperating as I am falling asleep typing. It only took about ten minutes for me to start feeling the effects (granted, I am a bit sleep deprived).

*Yawn* Goodnight...

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