
Thursday, March 21, 2013

CRAFT: Smashbook

So since I haven't been feeling very crafty lately, I thought I'd share an ongoing craft with all of you. My Smashbook.

A Smashbook is a scrapbook journal with different themed pages that the purpose is to take things and just "smash" them into the book.

There are at least 20 different styles to choose from, and I plan on collecting all of them eventually...
When I first discovered Smash, there were only about 5 styles to choose from. I ended up picking the one called "pretty."
I'm not much of a fan of the color pink, but the pages inside are what interested me. I will eventually cover the spine with a different color binding. But for now it's the inside full of cupcakes and flowers and cute things that's what's so exciting!

Each book comes with a combination pen and glue stick (which is surprisingly sticky for a glue stick). And Smash also sells cool accessories you can use with the book like folder pockets, stamps, washi tape, and little post it flags. They also sell these really cool inspiration notepads you can fill out that include questions like top ten ___, favorite songs, favorite people, and good places to eat.

I wanted to share with you some of the pages I've put together. I did not include pictures of some of the cooler background pictures that come in the book though, such as a page full of dice, silverware, birds in a very blue sky, bookshelves, and various other beautiful pictures. But these books are beautiful, awesome, and so unique!

Anyway, here are a few of my finished (and some almost finished) pages:

The inside front cover.

This was on the packaging. I had to add German!

Adventure waits...

First page. Cupcakes and pointe shoes!

Next two pages.

Finished. Introduction page.

Things to gather and put in the book.

Finished. The "I am..." page.

Finished. A trip to the Art Museum in Philly.

The "vintage" page.

"Some kinds of wonderful"

"Some kinds of crazy"

Things to Do.

I need to check off the "Move Out" bullet.

Mostly Finished. "Big Ideas?"
Crafty things to do... eventually.

"Say It!"

My "Best Buy" page. I'll probably add some goodbye notes. 

"Good Fortunes"

Mostly Finished. "The Good Things in Life"

So cute I wanna put it in my pocket!

"Sweetie" Foodstuffs

"Adventure Log"

The hair is from when I dyed my hair purple I think. 
I wanted to log the moment I did crazy shit with my head.
But I haven't logged the date yet.


Procrastination station! 
Still needs some work, but I've been procrastinating! Hehe...

Most days procrastination, some days making a difference.

Finished. "Precious Treasures"

Another "peekaboo" door.

The blue page. It looks much nicer in person, less gray...

Another finished page. Well mostly. 
It's just missing a photo I need to print out.

The inside back cover.

So anyway, I hope this helps to inspire you or something. Give you ideas for your scrapbooks or the want to go out and buy a Smashbook too! ;D

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